In this installation, I collected molds of natal born male genitals and casted  them in plaster. I then painted each plaster penis a different pastel color and hung them on black plaques in the gallery. Obtaining and recreating objects and forms through mold-making  is an integral part of my work due to both the symbolic and literal transformation of said objects and forms. By using a replica of a real penis from a natal born male, I can create a nuanced perception of the object.

One goal of this installation is to normalize the penis in a society where it is still taboo. I also call attention to male gaze and the proliferation and  acceptance of the female form in the art world. The original molds of penises were collected through methods of crowdsourcing. The interaction that occurred between the viewer and I is important to note because of the vulnerability for the both of us. As an artist, it was a difficult task to ask someone due to my fear in how the male “donor” might respond. In  addition, I was surprised to learn how so many men were unwilling to perform this act. I learned, in depth, how insecure some men are about their penis. For example, one volunteer commented,  “it’s not much, but it gets the job done.” AS if this is important to the overall goal of the installation.